In an exciting development aimed at propelling climate action within the tourism industry, the Brazilian Agency for Tourism Promotion, Embratur, has collaborated with the Green Initiative, alongside the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism and FUNDTUR – MS. Together, they are proud to unveil the “GUIA BRASILEIRO DE AÇÃO CLIMÁTICA PARA EMPRESAS E DESTINOS TURÍSTICOS” (Brazilian Guide to Climate Action for Businesses and Tourist Destinations). This comprehensive guide is set to be a valuable resource for all stakeholders in the tourism sector, both within Brazil and worldwide.
Official Launch at Abav Expo 23
The “GUIA BRASILEIRO DE AÇÃO CLIMÁTICA PARA EMPRESAS E DESTINOS TURÍSTICOS” is a groundbreaking publication that encapsulates the commitment of these organizations to combat climate change and foster climate action within the tourism sector in Brazil. This guide the way businesses and destinations approach sustainability within the tourism sector.
On the 28th., during the ABAV EXPO 23, Embratur will launch the Climate Action Guide for Tourism, a product of Fundtur and Green Initiative, which will be promoted by Embratur to the entire national tourism trade – Marcelo Freixo, President of Embratur, signs the preface of the guide.

“And the Climate Action Guide becomes our reference for the trade, indicating the path we must follow to make our destinations and services increasingly sustainable.” – Marcelo Freixo – President, Embratur
The launch of the “GUIA BRASILEIRO DE AÇÃO CLIMÁTICA PARA EMPRESAS E DESTINOS TURÍSTICOS” underscores the commitment of Embratur, the Green Initiative, and the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism to drive positive climate action the tourism sector. This initiative is a significant step toward aligning the tourism value chain with the strategic recomendations provided by the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism.
“The Glasgow Declaration is a catalyst for increased urgency about the need to accelerate climate action in tourism and to secure strong commitments to support the global goals to halve emissions over the next decade and reach Net Zero emissions as soon as possible before 2050.“
By providing practical and accessible resources, this guide empowers stakeholders in the tourism value chain industry to take meaningful steps towards decarbonization of their activities ensuring that tourism sector in Brazil remains competitive in the long run and directly contributes to the achievement of the Paris Agreement recommendations