Regenerative Tourism: Building Tourism Back Better
As the world continues to recover from the unprecedented shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, rebuilding a more sustainable tourism sector remains a shared responsibility for tourism organizations worldwide.
Embracing Regeneration:
A New Horizon in Tourism
In the shadow of overtourism, climate change and cultural erosion, the tourism industry is at a crossroads, with one path leading to a deeper, more holistic approach known as regenerative tourism. This forward-thinking concept seeks not only to mitigate the negative impacts of travel, but to actively improve the environmental, social and economic fabric of destinations worldwide. Through the lens of real examples in biodiversity hotspots across Costa Rica, Peru, and Brazil, we are exploring the transformative power of regenerative tourism and its potential to redefine our travel experiences.
The Essence of Regenerative Tourism
By aiming to leave destinations better than they were found, regenerative tourism goes beyond traditional sustainability. It focuses on revitalising ecosystems, strengthening community ties and ensuring tourism supports the overall wellbeing of host areas. It’s a method that sees tourists as active participants in regeneration, not just visitors.
“In the wake of the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism, Green Initiative is supporting businesses and destinations across the tourism industry to adopt a new approach on the challenges posed by climate change.”

In the wake of the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism, Green Initiative is supporting businesses and destinations across the tourism industry to adopt a new approach on the challenges posed by climate change.

Start your Journey Here:
With the Green Initiative guide for businesses and destinations to adopt Glasgow Declaration practices and decarbonize tourism. Download The Climate Action Guide for Tourism Businesses and Destinations (🇬🇧 🇧🇷).
The Climate Action Guide for Tourism Businesses and Destinations
This Climate Action Guide has been developed to assist businesses and destinations as they strive to adopt the climate-impact management practices recommended by the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism and accelerate the decarbonization of global tourism.
The Guide provides a practical roadmap on how to establish a business or destination’s baseline emissions, monitor changes in its carbon footprint, set emissions targets and evaluate progress, and publicize climate commitments and successes.
The guide was prepared by Green Initiative and technically reviewed by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), United Nations Climate Change (UNFCCC) and United Nations Conference on Trade (UNCTAD).

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The United Nations Climate Change Agency has endorsed Green Initiative to provide advisory services and support to organizations willing to engage in climate action through the UN formal processes and technical standards.

Design Your Climate Action
Is your Organization Ready to Deliver Climate Smart Products and Services?

Regenerative Tourism and

Ecosystem Restoration? A Tree for Every Client?

Climate and Nature Positive Tourism?
“With the advice of Green Initiative, we´ve been able to promote the tourism recovery of Machu Picchu, decoupling growth from the increase of carbon emissions”.
Darwin Baca
Mayor of Machu Picchu City

“Greeninitiative’s certification reminds us all that the natural environment and native cultures are our industries most precious resources”.
José Koechlin
Presidente & CEO Inkaterra
“Green Initiative´s support has been instrumental in the international positioning of Bonito as a vibrant and climate-neutral ecotourism destination.”
Bruno Wendling
President – Mato Grosso do Sul Tourism Foundation

“Green Initiative showed us the way to
funding carbon-reducing projects to
offset the environmental impact of
international educational programs.”
Uli Leibrecht
CEPA Executive Director & Founder
Key Benefits

Comply with global value chains climate policies and standards

Introducing climate action at the core of your business model

Reducing financing costs through access to climate funding

Support your business innovation through climate-smart products and services

Be globally recognized by the United Nations

The Green Initiative Certificates
Climate Positive
This certificate means that the organization's climate action has gone beyond carbon neutrality, creating an overall benefit for the climate and nature by enhancing the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and contributing to nature-positive action.
Carbon Neutral
This certificate shows commitment to climate action based on our carbon neutrality standard. It has been used by companies, products, and events around the world that have achieved carbon neutrality in accordance with PAS 2060:2014 (2014-2024) or ISO 14068-1:2023 (2024-onwards).
Carbon Measured
This certificate endorses the quality of an organization's carbon footprint. Our approach supports consistency and transparency and is aligned with ISO 14064-1:2018 and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
To read the guide now, please navigate bellow.

Green Initiative is recognized by the United Nations to provide advisory services that lead to Carbon Neutral Certification.

Green Initiative its a member of the Science Task Force supporting the development of global principles for ecosystesm restoration.

Green Initiative supports the GCOM providing technical assistance and advisory services for cities to connect with Climate Action.

Together since 2015 developing standards for conducting ecological footprint studies worldwide.

Since 2022 Green Initiative it’s a member of the Glasgow Declaration Capacity Building Working Group.

Working together to introduce Climate Action into Tourism, leading to the Glasgow Declaration.
We Answer Your Questions
General Questions
Why choose Green Initiative?
At Green Initiative we help our clients mobilize resources for climate financing, in addition to complying with climate regulations for international trade, improving the efficiency of their operations, reducing costs and adding value to their products and services, connecting them with the París Climate Agreement, and with the United Nations Sustainable Goals.
At the Green Initiative we have the necessary know-how to enable our clients to lead this transformation through actions that generate positive impacts for their organizations, as well as for the planet.
- we support your business full cycle of climate action, going beyond.
- science-based methodologies and tools.
- experience in various industries and countries.
- we are accredited as a support resource for United Nations Climate Change, GCOM, CDP, OnePlanet, Global Footprint Network, and UN Decade for Ecosystems Restoration.
- we provide a cost effective value proposition.
What is a Climate Certification?
A Climate Certification is a formal endorsement of your organization’s work in progress and commitment to shift towards a low carbon emissions economy achieving net zero emissions by 2050 or before.
Green Initiative Climate Certifications offer direct benefits to increase your business competitiveness and sustainability performance, among which the following stand out:
- climate leadership
- climate action at the core of the business
- mobilize climate financing (loans and grants)
- compliance with international climate trade standards
- support innovation through climate-friendly products and services.
- aligns your business to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
What is the difference between Carbon Neutral and Climate Positive certifications?
Green Initiative Carbon Neutral Certification A carbon neutral certification demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to decarbonisation, and the neutralisation of remaining impact through the support of environmental projects.
- Carbon Neutral Certified demonstrates that your business is committed to decarbonisation through clear science based mitigation targets, and has conducted the off-setting of remaining impact purchasing carbon credits that reduce and capture greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere (such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and forest conservation projects).
- Climate Positive Certified means that your business climate action has gone beyond neutrality, actually creating environmental and climate benefits by removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through actions to protect, sustainably manage, and/or restore ecosystems.
Can I Offset my Business Emissions by Planting Trees?
At Green Initiative, we provide funding for two complementary types of climate change mitigation solutions: one is planting native trees for ecosystems restoration, and the other is supporting natural and technology driven solutions through carbon credits.
Recently planted trees need to be nurtured and protected for years to provide environmental services such as carbon sinking. Planting a tree is a matter of having empathy with life on earth. Today, more than ever, we need to connect with global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, and planting trees, under the scope of ecosystem restoration, provides a fundamental tool for reverting the natural climate crisis we are facing.
To conduct the carbon off-setting of your business the most consist approach to do so is through carbon credits.
What is a Carbon Credit?
Certificate for Emission Reduction, Certified Carbon Offset, or simply Carbon Credit is a certificate generated by an accountable body that represents reducing or removing one ton of CO2 from the atmosphere.
These certificates aim to monetize the climate benefits embedded in specific projects and provide them with an additional revenue stream.
A Carbon Credit enables you to offset your business’s unavoidable carbon emissions by funding projects worldwide that avoid, reduce or capture greenhouse gases. A Carbon Credit is a part of an international mechanism endorsed by the United Nations that allows your business to claim carbon neutrality.
How can your Business Prove Results?
There are different levels for climate change mitigation results. Within your business, you should prove impact by monitoring your Key Climate Performance Indicators. You should be able to do so simply by conducting your carbon footprint assessment annually using Green Initiative Carbon Management Tool.
From a carbon footprint offsetting perspective, your business will prove to have compensated its carbon emissions through the provision of a Carbon Compensation Certificate. This certificate provides complete detailed information of the source (VERRA, Gold Standard, or CDM), type of credits (carbon reduction, avoidance, siking, or removal), and the specific market ID number of the credits used by your business to claim carbon neutrality.
Monitoring tree planting for ecosystems restoration is done by combining on the ground supervision with high-precision satellite images. Green Initiative provides one of the complete monitoring services available, effectively comparing the baseline situation with restoration performance.
We only work with tree-planting partners who plant trees responsibly. In addition, our partners are regularly audited by third parties, and publish internal reports for us with updates and data from our planting sites. Check out this performance monitoring report for our Costa Rica tree planting project.
Climate Positive Certified
What is Climate Positive Certification?
Climate Positive Certification is a program offered by Green Initiative that certifies businesses and organizations as being climate positive, meaning they have taken steps to reduce their carbon footprint and are actively working to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than they produce.
What are the benefits of a Climate Positive Certification?
Green Initiative Climate Positive Certification can help businesses and organizations innovate in climate-smart products and services, improve efficiency, demonstrate their commitment to climate-action, and attract environmentally conscious customers and partners.
What types of businesses or organizations are eligible for a Climate Positive Certification?
Any business or organization that is committed to consistent science-based climate-action can apply for Green Initiative Climate Positive Certification. This includes small businesses, corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies.
What is the cost of a Climate Positive Certification?
The cost of Green Initiative Climate Positive Certification varies depending on the size and complexity of the business or organization, as well as the scope of the certification. Green Initiative offers a range of certification options to fit different needs and budgets.
Carbon Neutral Certified
What is a Carbon Neutral Certification?
Climate Neutral Certification is a certification offered by Green Initiative that recognizes organizations and businesses that have complied with our full climate certification cycle. This means that they have measure, set targets, mitigate and are on track to net-zero emissions.
Why should I get Carbon Neutral Certified?
Carbon Neutral Certification demonstrates your commitment to climate leadership and your consistent efforts to reduce your organization’s impact on the environment. It also provides a clear and credible way for you to communicate your climate-action commitment to customers, stakeholders, and the public.
What types of organizations can get certified?
Any organization or business that wants to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint can get Carbon Neutral Certified by Green Initiative. This includes small and large businesses, nonprofits, government organizations, and more. Companies who are certified as ESG (Environmental and Social Governance), can definitely benefit from Green Initiative climate certifications.
What is a carbon offset?
A carbon offset is a way to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions by funding a project that reduces or removes emissions somewhere else. Carbon offsets are typically sold in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and can come from a variety of projects, such as renewable energy, forestry, and methane capture. Learn more about Green Initiative Climate Projects here: https://greeninitiative.eco/projects/
What types of emissions can be offset?
All types of greenhouse gas emissions can be offset, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). However, it’s important to note that the best approach is always to reduce emissions as much as possible before relying on offsets to mitigate any remaining emissions. Through Green Initiative advisory services, we help our clients to start their journey to climate-action.
Carbon Measured Certified
What is a Carbon Measured Certification?
Carbon Measured Certification is a certification offered by Green Initiative that recognizes organizations and businesses that have measured their greenhouse gas emissions and have a plan in place to reduce their carbon footprint.
Why should I get Carbon Measured Certified?
Carbon Measured Certification demonstrates your commitment to climate-action and your efforts to understand and reduce your organization’s impact on the environment. It also provides a clear and credible way for you to communicate your climate commitment to customers, stakeholders, and the public.
What types of organizations can get certified with Green Initiative?
Any organization or business that wants to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint can get Carbon Measured Certified with Green Initiative. This includes small and large businesses, nonprofits, government organizations, and more.
What other services does the Green Initiative offer?
Green Initiative offers advisory and climate certification services, including Climate Positive and Carbon Neutral Certification, which certifies organizations that are committed to climate-leadership applying international best practices, which are endorsed by the United Nations. Green Initiative also has Nature Positive and Carbon Offsetting Solutions to help organizations reduce their environmental impact and achieve their sustainability goals.
Nature Positive Action
What is Nature Positive Action?
Nature Positive Action refers to actions taken by organizations, businesses, and individuals to restore, protect, and enhance nature in order to achieve a net positive impact on the environment. Green Initiative offers Nature Positive Action services to help businesses and organizations achieve their sustainability goals through biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration projects.
Why is Nature Positive Action important?
Nature Positive Action is important because it helps to address the urgent global challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. By restoring and enhancing nature, we can help to mitigate the impacts of climate change, protect biodiversity, and support the long-term health and well-being of ecosystems and communities. Green Initiative’s Nature Positive Action services help organizations and businesses contribute to these efforts.
What are some examples of Nature Positive Action?
Examples of Nature Positive Action include:
- Planting trees and other vegetation to sequester carbon, restore degraded land, and provide habitat for wildlife. Green Initiative’s Reforestation and Habitat Restoration services support these types of projects.
- Supporting conservation efforts and protected areas to preserve biodiversity. Green Initiative’s Biodiversity Conservation services help businesses and organizations support these types of projects.
- Creating green spaces in urban areas to improve air and water quality and enhance community well-being. Green Initiative’s Urban Greening services support these types of projects.
What are the benefits of Nature Positive Action?
The benefits of Nature Positive Action include:
- Helping to mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Supporting biodiversity and ecosystem health
Improving air and water quality - Enhancing community well-being and quality of life
- Providing economic benefits through sustainable resource use and ecotourism
Green Initiative’s services help businesses to achieve these benefits by developing and implementing strategies to achieve environmental sustainability and Nature Positive Action.
Carbon Offsetting
What is Carbon Offsetting?
Carbon offsetting is the practice of balancing out carbon emissions by funding projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. Carbon offsetting can be used to compensate for emissions that cannot be avoided, such as air travel or shipping. Green Initiative offers carbon offsetting services to help businesses and individuals reduce their carbon footprint and achieve environmental sustainability.
What types of Carbon Offsetting projects does the Green Initiative support?
Green Initiative supports a range of high-quality carbon offset projects, including:
- Renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power
- Energy efficiency upgrades, such as building retrofits and efficient appliances
- Forest conservation and reforestation projects
- Methane capture from landfills and livestock operations
All of Green Initiative’s carbon offset projects are verified to international standards, such as the United Nations.