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Green Initiative Forest Friends Climate and Nature Positive - Revitalize Lambayeque: Restore Nature for The Andean Bear in Chaparrí, Peru

Revitalize Lambayeque: Restore Nature for The Andean Bear in Chaparrí, Peru

In the hidden corners of Lambayeque, Peru, a battle for biodiversity is being fought, and you’re invited to be a frontline supporter. The Chaparri Ecological Reserve, a bastion for unique dry forest ecosystems, is threatened. Forest Friends beckons you to join the fight through its Green Initiative – a call to reforest, revive, and reclaim what’s at risk.

Lambayeque’s Overlooked Treasure: Dry Forests in Peril

Beyond the tourist trails, Lambayeque conceals its overlooked gems – the endangered dry forests. With less than 10% of their original expanse left in Latin America and the Caribbean, these ecosystems are a rare commodity. The Chaparri Ecological Reserve, managed by the Muchik Santa Catalina Community of Chongoyape, is the last stand for these diminishing habitats.

The Andean Bear: A Symbol of Struggle

In this battleground for biodiversity, the Andean Bear stands as a symbol of resilience but faces an uphill battle. Listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List, these bears grapple with vanishing habitats. Your contribution to our reforestation initiative is a lifeline for them and a statement for preserving our planet’s unique species.

Green Initiative Forest Friends Climate and Nature Positive - Revitalize Lambayeque: Restore Nature for The Andean Bear in Chaparrí, Peru
Green Initiative Forest Friends Climate and Nature Positive - Revitalize Lambayeque: Restore Nature for The Andean Bear in Chaparrí, Peru
Plant a Tree for Milagros The Andean Bear in Tambopata, Madre de Diós, Peru

From Dollars to Canopies: Your Impactful Contribution

Every dollar contributes to the growing forest canopy in Lambayeque. Whether you can spare $1.00 or more, your contribution is a seed of change. Help us plant the right trees, and in return, receive a personalized certificate commemorating your commitment to restoring Lambayeque’s glory.

Forest Friends Certified Seals July 23
Green Initiative Forest Friends

Empowering Communities for Conservation

Our mission extends beyond planting trees. We empower local communities, fostering a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. By supporting our cause, you’re not just planting a tree but investing in a Climate and Nature Positive sustainable future for Lambayeque.

Plant Trees where they are most needed with Forest Friends and Green Initiative

Chaparri Ecological Reserve: A Sanctuary in Peril

The Chaparri Ecological Reserve battles urban encroachment and prolonged droughts in the Equatorial Pacific region. Your support aids in fortifying this sanctuary and ensures its survival against the odds.

Join the Revival: Plant, Protect, Preserve

Join Forest Friends in revitalizing Lambayeque. Plant the right tree today to safeguard the future of the Andean Bear and preserve the natural wonders that make our planet extraordinary. Be an advocate for conservation, a supporter of resilience, and a champion for Lambayeque’s beauty. Let’s plant the seeds of change for a greener, more vibrant world.

Let’s Grow your Business Together: Take the Next Step

Embark on a journey of positive change. Forest Friends invites your company to be a force for good, leaving a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship. Contact us today to explore how your company can make a difference in Lambayeque and beyond.

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Written by Yves van Hemelyck, from the Green Initiative team.


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