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Milagros - the first climate positive animated film - Green Initiative - Forest Friends

A new standard for animated film production: milagros an extraordinary bear – the world’s first climate-positive animated film

“Milagros: An Extraordinary Bear” sets a new standard in the global film industry, demonstrating that all economic sectors, including entertainment, can contribute to the decarbonization of the economy.

The film “Milagros: An Extraordinary Bear” is a Peruvian production by Chaska Entertainment, directed by renowned filmmaker Eduardo Schuldt and based on the work of Peruvian writer Hernán Garrido-Lecca, winner of the prestigious National Environmental Award in 2014.

Film Director, Eduardo Schuldt and Writer Hernán Garrido-Lecca
Milagros An Extraordinary Bear - Animated Film - Climate Positive - Green Initiative - Peru

The film’s plot revolves around Milagros, an intelligent and brave bear with the fantastic ability to understand human language. Milagros and her friends face the challenges of nature and human cruelty as she fights to protect her brother and preserve her species.

“Milagros: An Extraordinary Bear” combines exciting adventures and funny moments, touching the hearts of young and old alike. It goes beyond mere entertainment, however, as it conveys a powerful message about the importance of ecological restoration and the need to protect our precious environment.

Milagros the andean bear


The Peruvian film “Milagros: An Extraordinary Bear” has obtained the distinguished “Climate Positive” certification by Green Initiative, marking a milestone by becoming the first animated film worldwide to achieve a beneficial impact on the environment. During its production, it strictly adhered to the rigorous international procedures and standards for climate action established by the United Nations.


Obtaining Climate Positive certification from Green Initiative means its climate-related actions have gone beyond neutrality, actively contributing to significant environmental and climate benefits by reducing additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


In February 2023, the climate certification process began, comprising three complementary stages:

  • Detailed calculation of carbon emissions: A detailed calculation of carbon emissions generated during the film production process was carried out, including direct and indirect emissions. This analysis was submitted for review and obtained the highest recognition by the United Nations.
  • Carbon footprint mitigation: Various measures were implemented to reduce the film’s carbon footprint as much as possible. Residual emissions were immediately offset by carbon credits provided by BAM – Bosques Amazónicos through one of its forest conservation projects in Madre de Dios.
  • Ecological restoration: To positively impact nature, the goal was to plant 1000 native trees capable of capturing nearly 3,000 tons of carbon and favoring biodiversity. The ecological restoration was carried out through theForest Friends project in Peru, an international initiative developed by Green Initiative and implemented by Inkaterra in Madre de Dios.

Leading companies supported the film production to obtain its climate-positive impacts,  showcasing through their participation in the Forest Friends project their engagement in enhancing nature and climate-positive impacts.

Forest Friends
  • Mediterranean Shipping Company del Perú (MSC Peru),a world leader in container shipping, has decided to be part of this initiative as part of its commitment to environmental protection and emissions reduction.
  • Mapfre, one of the world’s leading insurance companies and a leader in Latin America has joined this noble cause as part of its commitment to preserving the planet and guaranteeing a better future for all.
  • Luz del Sur, one of Latin America’s most prominent electricity distribution companies, has enthusiastically joined the campaign to promote environmental awareness and actively contribute to climate change mitigation.
  • WorldXchange, an organization specializing in currency exchange, has lent its support in a determined manner to boost ecological restoration efforts and promote greater environmental responsibility.


Forest Friends is a Nature Positive Certification developed by Green Initiative, designed to actively support reforestation efforts that contribute to wildlife and ecosystem restoration.

Forest Friends Certified Seals July 23

This certification is awarded to organizations committed to nature positive impacts through ecosystem restoration following the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration Standards.

Learn all about the Science Based Milagros Nature Positive Forest Friends Ecosystem Restoration Project and Goals here . You too, can support this beautiful initiative!

Contact us to learn about our certifications and how we can help your business become Nature and Climate Positive.


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